Oman Tower Company was founded in 2018 as a national company to play a vital role in the telecommunications sector in Oman with international strategic partner. OTC is providing the passive infrastructure to the wireless telecommunication service operators and government entities in an open access manner. Oman Tower Company provides various infrastructure solutions such as greenfield towers, rooftops, in-building solutions and other innovative ideas for the 4th industry revolution. Moving ahead with the coming technologies like 5G, IOT and others, OTC is working with suppliers of street furniture to accommodate future antennas. The OTC board consists of six members that gather all the shareholders which include 68% of government bodies and 32% to the international partner. OTC’s main offices is located in Muscat.

Supply Chain Management 

Be Part of Oman Towers

Oman Tower Company applies the process and procedure of the Supply Chain Management (SCM) that helps all the partners to be part of Oman Tower Company vendor list and contribute in the success of OTC , all partners / suppliers would like to be part of Oman Tower Company must register in the vendor registration and then accordingly once it is approved then should be able to participate in Oman Tower Company tenders and procurement process.

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